Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Reading and Writing Life: Digital Story

This week, in the English language arts methods course that I teach at Virginia Tech, students were to complete a digital story, a kind of reading and writing autobiography, that tells viewers something about who they are in terms of literacy. Because I believe it is important to write alongside my students, and also to understand the parameters of assignments I require in my courses, I made a video, too. 

Although I have made digital stories before, this is the first time I have incorporated an interview. Doing so changed the way I drafted--and did so drastically. Typically I write and record a script, insert images, and add text and music last. This time, I started with fifteen minutes of recorded interview, added images, and then filled in with script that elaborated on the interview discussion. It isn't perfect, but it works, and it tells something about me as a reader in the process. 

What do you think? 


Anonymous said...

Dr. Morris, your video gives us a direct glimpse into your life as a young reader. The interview with your mother creates a cozy, personal feel to the entire video. I felt like I was sitting at the table with you (maybe sipping a cup of tea). You say you don't think it worked perfectly, but I think it does. It is excellent.

DocHorseTales said...

I enjoyed the video. The interview increases the conversational tone that gives personal voice and authenticity to digital media. I wonder about the technical aspects: iMovie? choice of recording the interview? preplanned questions and any deviations from script. . . Also, a follow-up with notes about how this worked with your students would be great.